9 Things You Should Never Do To Your Car
3) Go More than 3 months without oil change or 6 months for synthetic oil
Picture this….sitting at a stop light, pressing on the gas and the car not moving. The music is on, the lights are on, and except for the lack of rpm’s the car seems fine. What happened? The car locked up and it was due to not getting an oil change in who knows how long. At that point the cost to repair the damage was way more than the value of the car. The oil in your car lubricates those thousands of components in your vehicle, allowing it to run smoothly and efficiently. What happens is that when all those parts are moving around, they collect debris, which is reprocessed through the system, causing your oil to thicken and eventually causing your car to not run as efficiently, as well as overheat numerous components. Not changing your oil will result in a slew of problems for your engine, from warped parts, an overheating engine and eventually an engine that no longer works.