9 Things You Should Never Do To Your Car
5) Ignore check engine lights and unusual signs your car makes
Those annoying lights that pop on your dash when you turn your car on, and sometimes don’t go away are pretty important. As well as the annoying beep-beep that accompany them. You see, we have these guys called engineers, and they are smart enough to install notification devices in our vehicles to warn us that, “Hey, something is wrong here!” Ignoring these lights can put you in a world of hurt when something goes bad while you’re driving down the road. If you think about it, the only time your car will break down is when it is going to be an inconvenience to you, such as when you are driving, or when you go to start your vehicle. Your only way of preventing this inconvenience is to bring your car into the shop to figure out what is wrong, and prevent further damage you may cause by procrastinating.