9 Ways Technology Can Drive You Broke (and crazy!)
2) Confusing Billing
It seems to be a trick of the trade when it comes to confusing consumers about their bill. That’s where they get you. You signed up for a service at an introductory price, and it’s surprisingly higher when the bill arrives. Then, you look at the bill trying to decipher what you’re paying for and more confusion ensues. You can’t make heads or tails out of their billing. Then there’s the old trick of when you try to login to your account and their system is undergoing maintenance, and your account information is not accessible at this time! That’s enough to drive anyone nuts. It’s bad enough you have to pay that unexpected high bill. It’s infuriating when you can’t get into your account to pay it. Add to that, now you’re late and, you guessed it! A late charge has now been added on top of it all!