9 Ways Technology Can Drive You Broke (and crazy!)
5) Satellite Services
You finally get that new car of your dreams. It has all the bells and whistles, including satellite technology. You feel like a big shot driving around talking on your phone through the dashboard. The free trial was included with your purchase. You think, well, I’ll just use the free trial and ditch it when it expires. What you didn’t count on was the fact that now the free trial is over, and you just can’t live without that technology. So, here you go. Another monthly charge for something that started out free! Next thing you know, you have another bill in your monthly arsenal of payments due, and don’t those month’s roll by quickly?! Add to that, you also agreed to the free trial of the satellite radio service. Now you’ve got all your favorite stations programmed, and you don’t want to part with those either, do you?!