11 Tips Car Salesmen Don’t Want You To Know

6) Watch Out for the Speaker Phone Trick

Cars salespeople have a trick up their sleeve that’s simple in execution, but still provides them with a lot of information they can use. They’ll sometimes use this trick when you’re car shopping with someone else, like your spouse or a friend. The trick goes like this: when you’re in the salesperson’s office, their colleague will call them on their office phone. They’ll answer and then tell you, “I’m going to take this outside.” When they leave their office, the salesperson will keep the speaker on so they can listen into any conversation that you have. They’ll be able to hear if you’re planning on taking the deal, or what price you’re planning on offering. If your salesperson does this to you, text the person you’re with instead of talking aloud. This will help you keep your cards close to your chest when it comes time to negotiate.

