10 Wealthiest Neighborhoods in Washington
8) Union Hill-Novelty Hill
Another well-rated wealthy area in Washington State is Union Hill-Novelty Hill. The per capita income for residents is $58,285. According to City-Data, median home value is $757,692, which is pricey, but not too unreasonable. The cost of living is a bit higher than the national average. But there are also several important resources nearby, such as hospitals and good schools. The population density is more than 8 times higher than Washington overall, according to Livability. In fact, there are over 22,000 people living in this city. Therefore, you can be sure that people want to live here. There is not a ton of racial diversity, with most residents being Caucasian and a significant portion being Asian. However, Livability does report that 24% of residents are foreign-born, so, as a resident, you may have the opportunity to learn about other cultures.