9 Ways to Make Your Job Less Miserable

job affords you

2) Remember what the job affords you

We hear, all the time, how bad it is to be materialistic. Sure, trying to fill the hole left by some psychological trauma with material goods isn’t healthy, but we as humans still need the essentials and the occasional bit of fun to live and enjoy life. Remember that a job is how people manage to buy food, keep the lights on and have a roof over their heads. Cleaning up the messes left behind by incompetent management is ultimately how children get new clothes and toys. Just like spending two boring hours in a meeting is the way that February vacation to the Bahamas gets funded.

As much as everyone fantasizes about saying, “I quit,” actually doing so is rarely, if ever, a good idea unless you have another job waiting in the wings. Some people can get away with it for a while, if they’ve saved enough money to pay the bills in the meantime. The bottom line is that we need our jobs. Quitting could very well be the best emotional option, but make sure it is the best financial one.

