15 Common (Some Stupid!) Reasons for Car Accidents

15) Not Being Aware of Your Surroundings

Whether it’s being distracted by the phone or the radio, having something on your mind or only focusing on the road ahead, many drivers are not aware of what is around them. Countless police and insurance agents have heard drivers say “Man! That car came out of nowhere!”. No, it didn’t! They just didn’t see it. Spend some time adjusting your car’s mirrors. Your side mirrors should be set so you can just see the sides of your car and level the rear-view mirror, so you can see behind you to the horizon. Don’t just drive! Especially in heavy traffic you need to watch the cars as far around you as you can in your well-adjusted mirrors. You need to be able to anticipate their actions. Not everyone signals. Just remember, they haven’t made a car yet that makes a better driver. Be aware and be safe.

