11 Ways To Start Saving Money Right Now!

9) Analyze your 401K

Chances are you’ve got some plan or investment account for your retirement. If you’re like most Americans, chances are even bigger that you’re unsure of how effective your 401K actually is. Saving money for your future and retirement is extremely important and Blooom (yes, three Os”) knows this. That’s why this company analyzes your 401K for free to see how it stacks up. Just securely link your 401K, 401a, 403b, 457, or TSP and answer a few questions. Blooom will check out your retirement account, hidden fees, and account allocation efficiency. Then they’ll give you free advice on how to improve it. They’ll even show you what you could potentially save in hidden fees by following their advice. After the analysis, you’ll have the chance to sign up and pay to have Blooom manage your accounts for you. However, this is completely non-compulsory. Free analysis and advice – no string attached.

