11 Ways to Know A Spouse Planned Properly For Retirement
It’s not unusual for one person in a marital relationship to do the retirement planning. Perhaps you’ve given your spouse the reins on retirement because financial planning just isn’t your thing. Of course, your partner has both of your best interests in mind, but are you certain they’ve been planning both of your retirements properly? There are a lot of different avenues when it comes to retirement planning, and all the choices can muddy the waters. Even if you’re in the background part of the planning, it’s important to make sure your spouse is on the right track. How can you tell? Check out 11 ways to know if your spouse has been planning properly for retirement and answer the question for yourself!
1) They Stick to A Budget
Creating a budget is one of the first steps to ensure a successful retirement. This shouldn’t happen right before retirement or after you’ve retired. Budgeting and being mindful about daily spending habits is important throughout life. A retirement budget can be implemented at any age. The sooner you pinpoint an amount you want to save every month, the bigger your nest egg will be by the time you reach retirement age. How is your spouse with money? Does he or she spend frugally, with reckless abandon, or somewhere in between? It’s imperative you both are on the same page when it comes to what you spend your money on and where your priorities lie. Check in with your partner and consider creating your retirement budget together. When your Social Security benefits do start arriving, the budget should be adjusted to the new monthly income.