11 Best Places to Live In Indiana
7) Brierwood Hills, Fort Wayne
Second largest only to Indianapolis, is the city of Fort Wayne. As with most bigger cities, crime and expenses tend to grow. However, there are nice neighborhoods within Fort Wayne that have created stable, safe, and prosperous communities. Brierwood Hills is one example. Fort Wayne and Brierwood both have many amenities like shopping, restaurants, and entertainment. In the categories of employment, education, and crime, Brierwood Hills easily beats out Fort Wayne. Crime in BH is a third of what it is in Fort Wayne as whole. The median annual salary is tens of thousands of dollars higher in BH and the unemployment rate 5% less. AND those in BH have a higher population of people completing high school and going on to obtain Bachelor’s degrees. Brierwood is not the only exceptional neighborhood in Fort Wayne. Also check out Woodland Lake and The Knolls.