11 Best Places to Live In Indiana
9) Westfield
A 30-minute drive from Indianapolis is the small city of Westfield, with just over 37,000 people. Low crime rates and the admirable public school system makes Westfield a comfortable place to raise a family. The crime rate is over 50% lower than the national average and the median annual salary is $85,000. Although, keep in mind it’s 25% more expensive to be a home-owner here when compared to the national average. Families with active kids will love the Grand Park, a super sport complex with 26 baseball/softball diamonds and 31 soccer, football, and lacrosse fields. Sports aside, there’s plenty of outdoor activities in town as well. The Bike Share is popular way to cruise around town. You can even check out neighboring towns by taking the Monon Trail, which runs south and connects cities and towns leading all the way to Indianapolis.