10 Ways to Look Smarter Than You Are

the hard way

8) Do Things the Hard Way

Certain aspects of life are easier in the 21st century than ever before. No one wants to go back to the 1950’s approach to domestic chores or attempt to do their accounts with a calculator and a piece of paper but sometimes it is worth doing things the hard way. Technology has pervaded our lives to such a point that some of us are now unable to perform the most basic calculations or find our way from a to b without google maps. GPS navigation is a good example of this dumbing down of the populace. With google maps in hand you can never get lost but if you rely on it you’ll never truly find your way around. Few people today know how to accurately read a map or use a compass to orient themselves in a landscape. Doing things the old-fashioned way will not only give the problem-solving part of your brain a boost, it will also make you appear much smarter to others who have no idea how to do it themselves.

