10 Ways to Look Smarter Than You Are

look after body

6) Look After Your Body

The best way to look after your brain is to take good care of your body overall. A healthy body leads to a healthy brain. You may think your time is better spent with your head in a book than on a treadmill but that’s not always the case. A number of studies have suggested a link between getting regular exercise and brain power. Those who keep their bodies in peak condition are better able to process information, have better memory function, are more creative and more productive. While pumping those guns isn’t automatically going to make you look or feel smarter, staying active is definitely good for your brain. Of course, eating well is important too. Certain foods are proven to contain nutrients that boost brain power. Foods like oily fish, fresh berries and green vegetables are often referred to as brain foods and can keep your mind sharp. More than that, people respond better to people who appear to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Size doesn’t really come into it, it’s lifestyle that matters.

