10 Ways to Look Smarter Than You Are

eye contact

2) Make Eye Contact

Everyone who has ever attended a customer service or public speaking seminar knows about the importance of making eye contact. While making and holding eye contact is important in persuasive speaking and making you appear more authoritative, it is also highly effective in making you appear more intelligent. Looking your conversation partner in the eye when talking is a simple but important trick for improving your perceived intelligence. By looking people in the eye you are better able to manipulate their impression of you, allowing you to make your speech more engaging and your listening appear more intent. Those who consistently maintain eye contact when they speak are thought to have higher IQs than those who look around the room or down at their feet. It’s common for shy or socially awkward people to struggle to hold eye contact with people but with a bit of practice you will find making eye contact comes naturally and might even give your confidence a boost.

