10 Reasons Why Life is Better After 60


5) Less Obsession With Looks

How someone looks on the outside should never be as important as how they are on the inside., However, the importance of vanity is often stressed in our younger years. Furthermore, our culture and surroundings tell us it is critical to look great.

The popularity of the “selfie” is proof of this. People trying to take flattering photos of themselves is common on almost every social media network, People often strive for the flawless photo even though you couldn’t possibly maintain that kind of perfection on a regular, daily basis.

Once you are older you don’t place as much importance on constantly trying to look your best. People focus on your inner beauty and appreciate all the earned wrinkles. When you and your older peers can pay less attention to having the perfect appearance, it will take less time and work to look good at 60, and beyond. Less time to worry means more time to live a meaningful life.

