9 Worst Mistakes People Make Buying a Car

4) Not Doing a Thorough Test-Drive

Many people don’t realize how important the test-drive is when they’re buying a car. A test-drive is your one chance to get a feel for how a car handles and meets your needs. It’s also a chance to see if you feel comfortable behind the wheel. For example, if you have young kids, you can inspect the back rows during the test-drive and see if it will be easy for your kids to get into them. Many people get nervous during the test-drive and allow the salesperson to direct them where to go. However, to really get a feel for how the car will work for you, you should call the shots during the test-drive. You should decide which roads to drive on, and you should spend as much time as you want inspecting the interior of the car. This way, you’ll truly know if this car is the right choice for you.

