11 Worst Professions for Jobs in the Future
10) Door to Door Salesman
Though consumers undoubtedly continue to seek out goods that they want and need, the market for door-to-door selling has fallen. This type of sales does not require any formal education or training, but rather just the ability to sell. However, regardless of charisma or skill, many people are turning to online shopping instead. Additionally, there is such an influx of television and internet advertisements that door-to-door selling has become less valuable. According to Kiplinger, the median salary for this job is low, at just under $21,500. Kiplinger also projects a huge decline in door-to-door salesmen from 2016 to 2026—over 20%, in fact. If being a salesperson is your specialty, you will be better off at a retail shop or insurance company. In insurance especially, the demand for workers will persist so long as the insurance system runs. It does, however, require some training and education.