11 Worst Professions for Jobs in the Future
4) Woodworking Machine Operator
Operating a woodworking machine used to be a very accessible job, not requiring a high degree of education. Most people could learn how to work with drill presses, sanders, and other tools relatively easily. But as technology has advanced, fewer human operators are necessary to achieve the process. The jobs that are left require more advanced skills, rather than repetitious labor. There is a very small amount of job growth expected over the next few years. However, it is not enough to make up for the 32.3% decline from 2004-2014 reported by Kiplinger. Because the market for woodwork is dependent on demand, it may fluctuate as the economy shifts. Resultantly, it is not always a stable career choice. If you plan to pursue woodworking machine operating anyway, you should take technical classes. You may also want to consider becoming a machinist, working with machines in other industries.