9 Ways Your Cell Phone Can Seriously Harm You!


3) Texting While Walking

Although it may not seem like a major issue at first glance, texting while walking can have severe consequences. Similar to texting while driving, if you text while you are walking, you will be less aware of what is going on around you and you will be less able to react in time. It is especially dangerous to text while walking by roads or in parking lots because you may be unaware of incoming vehicles, and you are more likely to be hit. It is also particularly unwise to text while walking on raised platforms or stairs, as you may end up falling and injuring yourself. There have been incidents of people texting on train platforms, falling onto the tracks, and being hit by incoming trains. All in all, it is in your best interest to not wander around as you text, as you will be able to avoid some potential injuries by being aware of your surroundings while you walk.

